Friday, January 10, 2014


Busy busy busy recently

1) Am in contact with Vetrux about the Software development. The lead developer/owner is busy with school these next couple of weeks so I am sorry, whenever they can get to it, they will let us know.

2) I released some elephants into the game.

3) Revamped Carthage and Maurya sites to reflect others.

4) Made links to those sites on all the others.

5) Reached out to over 20 artists to get some more art for the game on Deviant Art (my go to place for grabbing artists), Several have written back, I have made one card so far.

6) I added Gencon 2013 Cards to correct areas, cause people were tired of hunting for them.

7) Tweaked the old website and repointed over there.

8) Put up a bunch of t-shirts online with our first logo and made an ad on this site to reflect that.

9) Made some prototype mounts cards. Horses, Camels, Donkeys... etc...

10) Finishing up some stuff for Naval on Carthage, Persia and Greece.

All in all, groovy things and chicken wings are rolling along. I hope to hear from you at - come join us! We have CAKE!


-Pauly Hart

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